Giant stars

Our local star, the Sun, is roughly 1.4 million kilometres across. That's large - 100 times the diameter of Earth - but is tiny compared to many others. One of the contenders for largest known star is UY Scuti. If placed at the centre of the Solar System it would stretch beyond the orbit of Jupiter.

Star nameRadius (Solar)ReferenceSpectral type
Delta Boötis10.51999AJ....118.3032NG8IV
Canopus65David Darling Encyclopedia of ScienceA9II
Rigel A782012ApJ...747..108MB8 Iae
Peony Nebula Star100spacemath.gsfc.nasa.govO5 (Ofpe)
Epsilon Geminorum1401999AJ....118.3032NG8Ib
The Pistol Star3062009ApJ...691.1816NB5 (LBV)
Alpha Herculis4602004A&A...418..675PM5Ib-II
UY Scuti17082013A&A...554A..76AM4Ia