Astronauts per year

At the last update of our data files these are the number of people who were in space* each year. Note that the same astronaut can feature in multiple years if they had multiple missions or their missions crossed year boundaries. You can browse our data for each individual astronaut on Github. If you spot any mistakes, do please let us know or, even better, fix it for yourself in the repository and submit a pull request.

  • Russian cosmonauts
  • US astronauts
  • Chinese taikonauts
  • International astronauts
  • Commercial/tourist
  • Notable firsts
why these categories?
Female astronautsYearMale astronauts
1961    4
1962     5
1  1963    4
1964   3
1965            12
1966          10
1967 1
1968       7
1969                       23
1970     5
1971            12
1972      6
1973             13
1974         9
1975         9
1976      6
1977      6
1978            12
1979    4
1980             13
1981          10
1  1982               15
1  1983                        24
5      1984                                32
4     1985                                                           59
1986         9
1987        8
1988                     21
4     1989                          26
3    1990                                      38
6       1991                                    36
9          1992                                                    52
7        1993                                         41
7        1994                                             45
11            1995                                        40
5      1996                                            44
10           1997                                                   51
6       1998                                   35
5      1999                  18
5      2000                                32
5      2001                                          42
5      2002                                    36
2   2003              14
2004           11
2   2005               15
6       2006                      22
6       2007                        24
5      2008                                   35
4     2009                                              46
7        2010                             29
3    2011                               31
2   2012                   19
2   2013                   19
2   2014                16
2   2015                16
2   2016                  18
1  2017                16
1  2018              14
3    2019         9
4     2020              14
9          2021                                  34
10           2022                                         41
6       2023                         25
2   2024        8